Inc. / LABA-CDC ...Inclusive
bridging business and community, through
community collaboration...
Community Partnerships
Showcase Community Services Inc. and Lancaster Avenue Business Asssociation-CDC
Remain active in supporting and building community collaborations. Our
community and commercial corridor initiatives are designed to encourage
clear communication between the diverse business distirct and its supporting
resident communities. Advocating a respect for diversity help in the
learning and working relationship
needed to ensure that we collectively and effectively indentify and solve
commercial corridor problems that impact the quality of life for the
community as
a whole. Working in collabortion with community partners enhances the
community's success through the willingness and consistency of all entites
identified within the territorial boundaries working together to ensure
generated targeted resources reach community set goals. Such focus strengthens
and economic
justice, and equality for low to moderate income communities.
Belmont Community - University Partnership (BelCUP), a collaborative
effort of community
leaders, Penn State faculty and students, and Ameri*Corp VISTA
“Teamwork & Unity… Are
The Cornerstones of Successful Efforts”
with community base organizations, businesses, faith base communities,
civic groups, institutions and city agencies,
linking the Lancaster Avenue Business District
and its surrounded
areas. Stake holders recognizing and approaching the
responsibility of rebuilding our business and resident communities
working as One Voice, One Association, One Community.
Empowerment & Sustaniability are the Benefits, of Working Collaboratives!