Historical Route
Lancaster Avenue is known as one
of the main shopping streets in West Philadelphia.
The business
district bridges communities the length of the Avenue. Residents
from communities of Mantua, Powelton, Belmont, Mill Creek, Cathedral,
Carroll Park and Overbrook, reflect a page in the history, having experienced
the geographic and cultural transition of the community neighborhoods
and business corridor
throughout the years.
Lancaster Avenue business corridor
of West Philadelphia ranges from 34th through 63rd. Lancaster Avenue
has been a trade and transportation route moving goods and people
and the outlying rual counties. In the early 1820's it was referred
to as Lancaster Turnpike which became a part of the Lincoln Highway
and for transportation on Lancaster Avenue long distance tarveling
the Conestoga Wagons were used. For short distance commuting, residents
and vistors would use the Horse -car lines.
The Conestoga Wagon, hauled freight
east and westward in the days when " Lancaster Turnpike ( Lancaster
Avenue) was the gateway to new territory. These wagons played a
major role importing and exporting wholesale goods
from York and Lancaster County to Lancaster Turnpike (Lancaster
Avenue) merchants and proceeded on to downtown market place (Market
Street) in Philadelphia.
By the 1900's "Electric Cars"
replaced the Horse - car lines that the Columbia / PA Railroad
operated. Lancaster Turnpike stretched from Lancaster County to
Philadelphia County to 32nd & Lancaster Avenue. In later years
the City of Philadelphia abolished tolls in Philadelphia County,
and Lancaster Turnpile was renamed as Lancaster Avenue in the city
and some suburban towns.
The Historical Lancaster Avenue
is remembered as a bustling commercial corridor and remains as
a major transportation route to and form Center City and Lower
Montgomery County. Visiting and resident pioneers also remember
Lancaster Avenue as the Rodeo' Drive of West Philly. As shown by
the faded signage on the side wall of the now small business that
occupies the property. The name LA Rodeo' Drive was selected because
of the quality of goods, diverse shops and services that supported
the momentum of Lancaster Avenue businesses that met the needs
of the
bridging communities in the mid 1700 -1900's.
Currently Lancaster Avenue Business
District is thriving the cultural and economic transition. The
momentum of the business corrdior is re- introduced with community
and business collaboration focusing on revitalizing the Historical
Lancaster Avenue.
In 1986 / 87 The City of Philadelphia
embraced the concept and supported the Lancaster Avenue Business
Association in promoting attention to Lancaster Avenue A Historical
Route. The late Mr. Abdul Malik Muhammad was instrumental in the
design of the ( medallion ) accepted as apart of the corridor improvement
and tree planting initiative purposed for the avenue at the time.
The medallion adorns the sidewalks of Lancaster Avenue installed
4000 block.
The medallion reflects the role
of Lancaster Avenue as the Historic Route between
Pennsylvania and Lancaster Pennsylvania
The War of the Roses (1455
- 1485)
The House of Lancaster (England),
whose symbol as shown (medallion) was the Red Rose; fought the House
of York (England) whose symbol was a White Rose; these two rivals fought
for the rule of England, the story goes on to the U.S.A. William Penn
granted land to the House of Lancaster, which is now Lancaster County
for them to cultivate the land, grow their crops, and bring their merchandise
to the market place. The route used is now called Lancaster Avenue,
and the market place was Market Street...
The House of York had a similitude, York PA, New York...etc.

LABA " Golden
Medallion Recognition Project"
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2012 / 2013
* LABA-CDC -Lancaster Avenue "Historicial
Route Recogition Project" ( click here )