Leadership Profile -
" Sister
Muhammad "
"Let there arise out of you
a band of people , enjoining what is right,
forbidding what is wrong" Holy Quran
Aisamah Muhammad recognized in the business community and throughout
resident communities, as "Sister
Muhammad" a pious Muslim-American
Woman, respected for her fair business dealings, kindness and sincere
concern for people, and her daily display of concern for her community
a whole. Practical
Nurse by profession, Sister Muhammad devoted sixteen years of nursing
and hospice care to homebound and facility resident persons
of diverse nationalities and cultural lifestyles. "
I enjoyed helping humanity in the nursing field. My final years of
nursing practice were best spent caring for my beloved father, until
his passing Feb. 2001 and my dear husband until his passing Feb. 2002.
May our Creator accept their best intentions and their good deeds grant
them a place in paradise. Two men I highly respected and felt blessed
and honored to have been chosen as a daugther of and a helpmate to,
during our moments of life shared and their completion and transition
from this life. Our spiritual connection lives on,".
Muhammad embraced the vision of her late husband while working closely
his leadership for seven years as Executive Assistant Director.
Her sincere compassion for humanity, self and community empowerment
with her will to survive, along with her leadership ability compelled
her to succeed her late husband , and was elected as President /
Chief Executive Officer of
the offices of Showcase Community Services Inc. and as director of
its number one program / Lancaster Avenue Business Association-Community
Corporation, playing a key role in maintaining the momentum of the
non-profit organization, its services and presence in the community.
Sister Muhammad immediately assess the scope and direction of the
organization and how to best maintain and improve upon the services
offered through
its programs and project entities. Sister Muhammad restructured what
was a skeleton / non-active board of directors and elected a top
notch organizational committee of officers forming a new board. A
collaboration of professionals, business and service providers and
resident persons of the West Philadelphia Community. Each participant
volunteering individual expertise to assist in the process of rebuilding
a strong executive management team. It is our collective interest
to stablize the foundation of the original mission and goal of the
as envisioned by the founder. "It
would seem such a waste, if we didn't take the initiative to recognize
of our communities. Those of whom, having left a legacy of hard work
and good intentions behind. It appears to me that the efforts of
those historians paved the way for those of us who actually viewed
their vision and deem it necessary to at least try to continue their
very works, once maintained can ultimately be beneficial to many.
Not let the vision go dim, instead continue breathing life into
it by
making it your very own. Taking ownership of this vision makes clearer
its need and the reward of its works will again successfully benefit
many. You then become the visionary with a purpose, Your efforts
remain unselfish, your focus remain firm as your consistency bring
about change regardless of the obstacles met, thus, keeping the
vision in view bringing it into reality".